Digital Database Project 

ABOUT the Project…

…making the Iwalewahaus collection digitally accessible 

In 2020 we assembled a team to establish digital visibility of the collection at Iwalewahaus, University of Bayreuth, Germany.

About one year prior to that, we started collecting ideas and discussing ways of digital (re)presentation of the Iwalewahaus art collection, with a main focus on how the archives could be made visible and accessible online.

In this section of the webpage we would like to introduce to you, step by step, the process of establishing our collection’s digital visibility and accessibility. We will present our progress, our thoughts, our influences and dreams, as well as the project team.

Since this is a constant synergy of learning and exchange, of knowledge and experience with, and about, the collection at Iwalewahaus, we are excited about the things to come and are grateful for your contributions so far. We are also hoping for your continued support and experience with upcoming calls for proposals regarding specific topics.

For questions or comments, please contact us via the following address:

Please, visit us again soon!